Join us May 23 - 26, 2025 in Asheville, North Carolina for an experience in spiritual growth, collective synergy and practical tools to ignite momentum for meaningful change.
The Holomovement Wave event is a transformative catalyst, empowering individuals and groups to align with higher consciousness and boldly co-create a thriving future for our planet.
Empowered by unity and diversity, the Wave uplifts, connects and inspires participants to co-create the bold solutions necessary for planetary thriving.

Emanuel Kuntzelman
Emanuel Kuntzelman is an entrepreneur, writer, philosopher, philanthropist and activist for social transformation. He began his adult life by traveling the world on a decade-long quest for his spiritual purpose before discovering his right livelihood in the realm of cultural exchange. Since then, he has founded numerous organizations and nonprofits in Spain, the U.S. and the U.K.
Emanuel continues to advocate for conscious evolution through his multifaceted work.His most current project is developing the theory of the Holomovement. Influenced by American physicist David Bohm, the Holomovement is a social movement that awakens us to our interconnectedness, igniting a critical mass of collaborative action serving the good of the whole.
He is co-editor of the anthologies Purpose Rising (2017) and The Holomovement; Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity (2023). Emanuel has contributed articles to a wide variety of publications and is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle.

The Holomovement
Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity
The Holomovement is wholeness in motion and compassion in action working together for the betterment of all.
The Holomovement has always existed and its evolutionary impulse is uniquely alive in each of us, weaving together the consciousness of the whole. It is a call to unity, but not uniformity. Our evolution and emergence of inherent potential depend upon planetary-scale synergistic cooperation and dynamic coevolutionary partnerships we’re nurturing in these unprecedented times.
Explore evidence-based understanding and inspirational accounts of the livinag universe and our integral place in its evolution. In this grand unfolding toward ever greater levels of interdependence, you will better understand how your own purpose in the evolutionary process is critical to this movement. Find inspiration in this anthology to actively support the wholeness in motion around us, integrating your unique gifts and the Holomovement’s unifying values into a collective story of our time that serves the greatest good.
Latest Blog Posts
Explore Emanuel’s colllection of videos and media to inspire purposeful and peaceful global transformation. You can also find additional resources and information in these books and publications.
Join host Christina Grote of ITP International and guest Emanuel Kuntzelman to explore the evolution of the Holomovement on the planet and how transformative practices play an integral part of the expansion.
Pam Kramer, President of ITP International, visits with Emanuel Kuntzelman & Mariko Pitts to discuss The Holomovement, a sociological and spiritual consciousness movement emerging around the world.
This VoiceAmerica Special-- Humanity’s Moment of Choice: Summit of the Future-- is on the occasion of the United Nations September 2024 “Summit of the Future” and the event “The Deep and Rapid Transformation Convergence” being held at the Synod House of the Cathedral St. John the Divine in New York City in advance of the Summit on September 19, 2024. The Special speaks with the global leaders who have created the Deep and Rapid Transformation Convergence Event, now also known as the DRTC. Special guests on this episode include: Diane Marie Williams, Daniel Stone, Heidi Sparkes Guber, Dr. Joni Carley, Dr. Richard Clugston, Tezikiah Gabriel, Dr. Jude Currivan and Emanuel Kuntzelman.